上記リンク中の、Introduction to Emergency Communication (EC-001)なんていうのです。
You will have access to the course platform at any time of day during this 9-week period so you may work according to your own schedule.
Before you begin the course you should have completed the following prerequisites. These courses provide a foundation for the content of this course. These are free mini-courses you can take online at http://training.fema.gov/IS/NIMS.asp.
ICS-100 (IS-100.b) (Introduction to the Incident Command System)
IS -700 (National Incident Management System)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) っていうページに飛ぶですな。
HamSphere 4.0 is the ultimate Virtual Ham Radio Transceiver. Build your own Transceiver using a drag-and-drop system. Over 100 plug-ins and antennas available.
サウスゲーツの記事を書いてるF0DUW局が、 a UFO arrives in the world of radio amateurs and radio enthusiastsと述べているとおり劃期的な、すべてをオンラインVoIP通信で行う仮想現実、ヴァーチャルアマチュア無線です。
A special word of thanks to Lisa Leenders, PA2LS, the IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group Chairman for choosing South Africa to host YOTA 2018 and the trust she placed in us to present the event.
Ameture radio or HAM radio operators are helping in rescue operations in flood-devastated Kerala by tracing stranded people through their last mobile phone location and ~
For this one weekend, August 17-19, if you set up a $10 per month subscription, and then make a one-time payment of $100, you will instantly receive a Platinum Life Membership.